Q: Who is organizing this?

This Summer School is organized by students and young adults, we are not supported by a university. Some of us have been volunteering since the start, organizing the Summer School in 2022 and 2023 and some of us have joined the team more recently after participating in 2023. To find out more about our team, scroll through our bios here or check our Instagram.

Q: Is it only for economics students?

No, this summer school is designed to appeal to all people from all disciplines, no matter the prior knowledge of (heterodox) economics and (academic) level. The goal is to spark or expand critical thinking generally and with regards to neoclassical economics and the ensuing economic policies.

Q: Will there be vegan meals?

The meals are vegetarian and for every meal, vegan options will be available. All of the meals are freshly prepared on site by our cooking team. Please inform us if you have any allergies or intolerances, so the kitchen team can adjust the meal plan or prepare separate meals for you. We will ask you about allergies after reviewing your application. See the Living together section for more details on your stay with us.

Q: How much does it cost?

We want to foster inclusivity by accommodating varying financial abilities. This means that you have the option to choose how much you pay based on your financial circumstances. The different fees are:

  • Cost-covering: 420 CHF
  • Reduced: 210 CHF
  • Supporter: 630 CHF
  • If you don't have the financial means for attending the Summer School (or the trip), we can support you additionally. Please contact us.

You can read more about it here.

Q: If I choose the discounted fee, do I still get all the same things as those who pay full price?

Yes, no matter the fee, everyone gets the same experience. We are relying on some participants to pay the self-supporting or the supporter price to make the Summer School possible. However, we do not want money to be the reason someone can't attend. Therefore there is no difference in what you get related to the fee you choose.

Q: Can I bring my children?

Yes! But please send us an email so we can find a personal solution to your specific situation.

Q: How can I buy train tickets?

There are different ways to travel to Chandolin with different means of transport. Please check our Travel Guide for the routes and the available tickets that match your journey. When you travel inside Switzerland, all you need is the SBB/CFF/FFS to plan your route and buy your tickets. The website and app are available in multiple languages including English.

Q: Can I get a certificate of attendance?

Yes, you can send us an email after the Summer School to receive a confirmation of participation.

Q: Can I get ECTS for attending?

The Summer School is not linked to a university or institute for higher education and is therefore not pre-approved for ECTS. However, you can ask your institution whether they can give you ECTS and we will provide you with a confirmation of participation.

Q: What if I need to cancel my application, is there a refund?

If you cancel more than 4 weeks prior to the start of the school, you will be fully refunded. If you cancel between 4 - 2 weeks prior to the start, you will be refunded for 50%. We don’t refund if you cancel less than 2 weeks before the start of the Summer School.

Q: What is a no-flight policy?

This year we're implementing a no-flight policy. This means that we ask participants (and speakers) to come by public transport and not by airplane. There are three considerations behind this rule:

  1. We want to work in an ecologically sustainable way.
  2. We want to work in a financially sustainable way in order to maintain financial independence from sponsors (as far as possible), flight refunds for speakers would cost a lot.
  3. We aim for participants and speakers based in Europe in order to strengthen a local network of heterodox students, practitioners and researchers.
Q: Are there exceptions from the no-flight policy?

As far as we know, the Summer School in Switzerland is the only "DIY Summer School" in the Rethinking Economics (RE) organization (according to RE International). Since we also want to help strengthen other Rethinking Economics groups beyond Europe, exceptions to the no-flight and no-flight-reimbursement policy can be made with the aim of establishing further RE local groups and Summer Schools beyond the primary geographical target group.

To make this possible we're going to reserve 5 beds for international guests that have to fly to our Summer School - under the following conditions: This exception is aimed firstly at active individual members of existing RE groups who are interested in setting up a new summer school; and secondly at a local cluster of participants who are interested in setting up an RE group and/or Summer School themselves. If you want to apply for one of these 5 places, please indicate so in the application form.